Netflix Leaks Actual Script for ‘Sex/Life’ Shower Scene to Show How It Was Written

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The shower scene in episode three of Sex/Life is definitely the one scene in the whole series that has the most attention!

Now, Netflix has leaked the actual script from that scene so that fans can see what it looked like on paper.

For those who don’t know, Adam Demos goes full frontal in the scene and puts EVERYTHING on display. The show’s creator previously spoke out about whether or not he’s wearing a prosthetic.

Netflix’s Twitter account tweeted this week and said, “There are a few scenes from Sex/Life that are so steamy, we couldn’t post them online — but no one said anything about showing you the script pages! For example, feast your eyes on how *that* shower scene from Episode 3 was described.”

Click inside to check out the script…

Sex/Life is the story of a love triangle between Billie (Sarah Shahi), her husband Cooper (Mike Vogel), and her past that takes a provocative new look at female identity and desire.

Adam plays the woman’s ex-boyfriend who she can’t get out of her head and we take a look back at their passionate exploits while she writes in her journal about her past. In one scene, the husband follows the ex and works out alongside him in the gym while spying on him. When they go to the showers, the husband sees what his wife’s ex is packing down there.

Keep reading below to check out the script…


A jet of hot water. Brad stands under it, naked and facing the wall. He’s alone in a large area with MULTIPLE SHOWER HEADS.

Cooper enters wearing only a TOWEL, takes in Brad, his back toward him. He moves to a shower head nearby and turns it on. Brad doesn’t seem to notice.

Cooper steals a look at him. But Brad makes no eye contact and is unaware. Just then, Brad turns around, facing front. He soaps up, obscuring a SMALL TATTOO ON HIS HIP.

As he does so, Cooper can’t help but lower his eyes to check out Brad’s package — the instrument that brought his wife so much pleasure. And SHIT — his worst fears are confirmed — Brad’s junk is impressive.

Cooper glances back up at Brad, feeling like more of an underdog than ever and guilty as hell he just checked him out. Brad stands there, oblivious, on display, simply enjoying his post workout shower. Then he turns off the water and leaves.

Cooper watches him go, self-hatred turning to anger — at himself, his wife, BRAD… Finally, it’s all too much — he lets himself fall forward against the wall, his arms thudding on the tile–


Two of the show’s leading stars are now dating in real life!


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