The Bachelor’s Victoria Fuller Apologizes for ‘White Lives Matter’ Campaign

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The Bachelor‘s Victoria Fuller is apologizing for participating in a photo shoot for “White Lives Matter.”

The “White Lives Matter” slogan was used as part of a Marlin Lives Matter organization’s campaign to save the species.

“My intention was only to support an endangered species,” Victoria posted on her now-deleted Instagram Story. “I want to say that I unequivocally reject the beliefs of the white lives matter movement or any propaganda that supports racism of any kind. I would like to specifically apologize to people of color that are affected by racism daily. It was never my intention to add fuel to the racial fire in this country.”

She added, “This has truly been an educational moment for me and I hope to be a voice against racism moving forward. I hope I can be shown grace as I navigate through this process.” You can see the campaign pics here.

Victoria Fuller will be featured in tonight’s episode of The Bachelor when Peter Weber visits the finalists’ hometowns.

Find out who threw massive shade at Victoria!


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